Friday, April 22, 2011

George Washington and His Premonitions of the Three Perils Facing the New Republic

George Washington was not only the first President of the United States, but also wrote before his death, about a visit by an angel warning him of the three perils the new nation faced. This was written down and attached with his will. To a curious reader, perhaps symbolic of certain events that occurred long after his death, with one peril still remaining unfulfilled.

George Washington had retreated for the winter to Valley Forge, snowed in and still fighting a war. He retired one afternoon to his office, and claimed an angel visited him, showing him the three perils, the new nation faced in the future.

Real George Washington

What were these three perils?

George Washington and His Premonitions of the Three Perils Facing the New Republic

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2007 George Washington Presidential Coin - First President, 1789-1797.

1. The First Peril

The Angel pointed to both Europe and the United States, whilst between them at sea, a cloud rose, and the President saw two nations fighting, his own, and a European nation. This probably was the Revolutionary War.

2. The Second Peril

America was now sprouting new villages and Towns, whilst the angel sprinkled water over these settlements, a dark cloud came over from Africa. And George Washington heard the words," Union," as the angel laid a split flag across the map of the new nation. This to most of us, this could symbolize the first American civil war.

3. The Third Peril

The Angel blew a trumpet, sprinkling water over the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. A dark cloud gathered over these continents, as armies marched through them, and the United states was also invaded The sky lit up to become a hundred 'Suns," as the angel was reputed to say," Son of the Republic, look and learn," as the North American invasion fails and the remains of the armies that fought remain victorious, in the ruins of a post-war country.

Obviously, the third peril claims at some point there could be a war involving, Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. Whilst, opposing armies invade and fight in each other territories, the USA is itself invaded. The suns could represent strategic nuclear strikes, during this great war.

These three so-called perils not only were the final mystery behind the first President, but to many "proof" that even the most respected, and some say powerful men, believe in the occult. George Washington was not the first or the last president that has spoken of "angels", or "ghosts." and had premonitions.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

George Washington's Estate at Mt Vernon

The visit to the Mt Vernon home of George Washington was on the to do list, merely as a place to go to see as tourists! Staying in the city, we were becoming familiar with both the train and bus services, which in our opinion were excellent. We were glad we did, it was easy taking the bus there as it was only 16 miles south of Washington D.C. A warm clear day augured well for our trip out that day.

The bus dropped us off near the entrance but it was still a reasonable walk to get there, the crowds of visitors clearly evident from the numbers of buses and cars parked everywhere. Apparently, there have been some 80 million visitors through this home since opening to the public in the mid 1800's. The first thing that caught my eye was the miniature of the home with all the detailed miniature furniture. It was so real and painstaking in its reproduction of the period pieces that we would see later in the day.

Real George Washington

Wandering around the grounds as retired farmers, the farm and sheds had a particular appeal. The timber fences added a real touch of the authentic nature of the farm. One could only wonder at the education of the young people in the United States, on overhearing a discussion on the sheep that were penned next to the barn. It was certainly interesting!

George Washington's Estate at Mt Vernon

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What sets "George Washington's Sacred Fire" apart from all previous works on this man for the ages, is the exhaustive fifteen years of Dr. Peter Lillback's research, revealing a unique icon driven by the highest of ideals. Only do George Washington's own writings, journals, letters, manuscripts, and those of his closest family and confidants reveal the truth of this awe-inspiring role model for all generations. Dr. Lillback paints a picture of a man, who, faced with unprecedented challenges and circumstances, ultimately drew upon his persistent qualities of character - honesty, justice, equity, perseverence, piety, forgiveness, humility, and servant leadership, to become one of the most revered figures in world history. George Washington set the cornerstone for what would become one of the most prosperous, free nations in the history of civilization. Through this book, Dr. Lillback, assisted by Jerry Newcombe, will reveal to the reader a newly inspirational image of General and President George Washington.

We walked on to the stables to see the coach and horse equipment. I could swear it still smelt as it had done all those years ago when "George" lived there. To see all the tack hung on the walls one could almost imagine how it was back then. Plenty of slaves would have ensured it was cleaned and maintained meticulously.

The slave quarters were of real interest to me, I had loved the book "Uncle Toms Cabin" and it was a treat to see into the past to see what conditions were like for the slaves. I do not doubt they were better treated here than in many places, but it was still very sad to see the tiny rooms they had to live and sleep in. When you saw the huge rooms and furniture of the estate, you could only wonder how anyone could tolerate keeping people in slavery and the conditions of it. Fortunately, times have changed for the better!

Set on the banks of the Potomac River, the house had outstanding views across it and the estate. Sitting for a while to pretend we owned the place was not hard to do! Tucked behind the house were the house gardens, particularly the walled herb garden. The perfume of all the herbs and plants made a lasting impression on my mind, as well as the types of herbs and flowers growing within in the garden. The fruit trees, espaliered trees, just so much to take in at one time, the sort of place you would want to revisit time and again. It was with some regrets that we left to catch the bus again, it was a wonderful day and an instructive one.

George Washington's Estate at Mt VernonNEW WORLD ORDER PUSHES RUSSIA TO WORLD WAR 3 Video Clips. Duration : 8.08 Mins.

In the 3rd September 2008, interviewed George Norey host the coast to coast, which belongs to the United States on over 500 stations and is the world, Steve QALY. The bottom line is that Russia has given NATO 21 days to leave the Black Sea This could be the start of something big? Could this move to the U.S. elections? There is much more I could write, but I will be the video speaks for itself. This is a serious warning and could create all sorts of problems around the world. The U.S. government is"technically" Bankrupt as of September 30th, so we will see. Please feel free to down load this video, post it on your own channel, rate it and send it on. Blessings to all of you who have subscribed and believe in individual from. Cheers for now, From the Southern Hemisphere. You know, the God zone, in New Zealand. Here is what the news said today about what is happening.....(no this is not a US report, they only have entertainment in the US, no real news). A US Navy flagship carrying humanitarian aid yesterday steamed into a Georgian port where Russian troops are still stationed, stoking tensions once again in the tinderbox Caucasus region. A previous trip by US warships was cancelled at the last minute a week ago amid fears that an armed stand-off could intensify in the Black Sea port of Poti. The arrival of the USS Mount Whitney, flagship of the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, came as Moscow accused Dick Cheney, the hawkish US Vice-President, of stoking tensions during a visit ...

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Was George Washington Really a Volunteer Fireman?

Historians regularly regard George Washington as the father of our country, serving as our first President and commanding general of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. Some sources also indicate he may have been a volunteer fireman and charter member of Alexandria Virginia's first organized fire company. Is there any truth to this? Here is what was learned visiting the Friendship Fire Museum of Alexandria Virginia.

In August 1774, the Friendship Society, later Fire Company formed in Alexandria Virginia. Alexandria is a colonial era riverside port situated opposite and south of Washington DC. George Washington lived not too distant to the south at his Potomac River plantation Mount Vernon in Fairfax County. Washington is often noted as one of the company founders. He did serve from 1760-1774 as Justice of the Peace at the Fairfax County Courthouse then in Alexandria. Otherwise he was at the time a busy planter involved in Virginia politics and the growing discontent with England. As told, Washington has entries in his diary about attending meetings at the society. The Friendship Society, who knows as there could have been others and his diary does not specify. It is unclear if he was ever a company member of if he ever attended fires.

Real George Washington

In 1775, Washington as verified by a receipt, did pay for the Friendship's first pumping engine built by a man named Gibbs of Philadelphia. This suggests that Washington may well have at least been a friend or fan of this early fire company. Maybe he held something of an administrative or associate position. Given the some seven mile distance from Mount Vernon to Alexandria it is doubtful Washington could even hear the fire bell ring let alone ride his horse to the engine house or fire scene in time to be of much service.

Was George Washington Really a Volunteer Fireman?

!1: Now is the time The Real Thomas Jefferson (American Classic Series) Order Today!

Nice Design by :Over All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : $14.50Date Created :Apr 03, 2011 23:56:38

The Real Thomas Jefferson: The True Story of America's Philosopher of Freedom

Jefferson is the central figure in American history, and...he may yet prove to be the central figure in modern history. So stated noted historian Henry Steele Commager. And as the English novelist Samuel Butler once wrote, Though God cannot alter the past--historians can. His observation is especially applicable to our changing perceptions of great historical personalities, most of whom are relentlessly reinterpreted by each new generation of biographers.

There is no better example of this kind of metamorphosis than Thomas Jefferson, author of the American Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States. Since his death in 1826, he has been alternately vilified and deified by writers of varying motivations. In The Real Thomas Jefferson, by allowing Jefferson to explain his life and ideas in his own words, we have tried to ensure that his spirit, not ours, will breathe in these pages so that all who read them will become acquainted with Jefferson himself -- not another second-hand interpretation. His biography is set forth in Part I, and Part II brings together the most insightful passages from his writings, arranged by subject.

Highly acclaimed by many, including Glenn Beck of the Fox News Channel. Published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies, a nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to restoring Constitutional principles in the tradition of America's Founding Fathers. The National Center for Constitutional doing a fine public service in educating Americans about the principles of the Constitution. -- Ronald Reagan, President of the United States

Still it is fun to regard good old George as a volunteer fireman that at least helped this company acquire its first apparatus. As for the Friendship Fire Company, they were ordered by the Alexandria Fire Chief to cease fighting fires on May 17, 1872. Later efforts to reorganize did not bring them back to service. In 1952 the organization became a philanthropic entity their last circa 1855 built firehouse at 107 South Alfred Street converted into a museum as stands today.

Was George Washington Really a Volunteer Fireman?(Day 3 cable Gate) 7 31 10 Wikileaks Fallout, why absolute Assange Julian's Video Clips. Duration : 6.58 Mins. This video is part of the third day after the release of signal wire gate ofnews of Wikileaks, the Spegigel, Guardian, New York Times and many other news organizations. Just hours before the first publication of this message sent via Twitter Wikileaks: El Pais, Le Monde, Speigel, New York Times and Guardian are many U.S. Embassy cable released this evening, even if Wikileaks goes down Wikileaks began publishing Sunday, November 28 Leaked 251 287 U.S. Embassy cableslargest group of classified documents ever released into the public domain. The documents are the people around the world an unprecedented look at contracts with the U.S. government abroad. The cable contains from 1966 to today, by the end of February this year, the confidential communications between embassies in 274 countries around the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15 652 cable should be secret. The embassy cable will be released gradually over thecoming months. The object of these cables is so important, and the wider geographical spread, not the usual to do this material justice. The lines show the position of the United States of spying on its allies and the United Nations, turned a blind eye to corruption and human rights violations in "vassal states" backroom deals with countries to take seemingly neutral, lobbying for U.S. companies and U.S. diplomatic measures to advance those who have access to them. This document reveals release...

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