Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Federalist Papers (Signet Classics)

±1±: Now is the time The Federalist Papers (Signet Classics) Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jun 23, 2010 00:42:29
The documents thatshaped a nation.

Three of the founding fathers brilliantly defend their revolutionary charter: the Constitution of the United States, a milestone in political science and a classic of American history.

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±1±: Best Buy This book may be boring to some, but I recommend picking this book up as it is the text that Hamiliton, Jay, and Madison wrote in favor of our Constitution. Each section describes the reasoning behind the outline and responsibilites of our federal government and the limited government they envisioned. A good book for political science students and/or American history buffs alike.

I would like to get a copy of the "Anti-Federalist" papers which is obviously the argument against the Constitution, just to get the other side's perspective during the transitioning times from The Articles of Confederation to our Constitution.

Nonetheless, I am glad the Founding Fathers ratified the Constitution, what are leaders are doing to the Consitution today is a crime.

This book includes a copy of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation on Sale!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Real George Washington (American Classic Series)

±1±: Now is the time The Real George Washington (American Classic Series) Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jun 16, 2010 05:55:36

This is the best-selling classic regularly featured by Glenn Beck to Fox TV viewers!

The Real George Washington: The True Story of America s Most Indispensable Man. There is properly no history; only biography, wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. If that is true of the general run of mankind, it is particularly true of George Washington. The story of his life is the story of the founding of America. His was the dominant personality in three of the most critical events in that founding: the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, and the first national administration. Had he not served as America's leader in those three events, all would likely have failed -- and America, as we know it today, would not exist.

Why, after two centuries, does George Washington remain one of the most beloved figures in our history? The Real George Washington answers that question by giving us a close look at this man who became the father of our country and the first American President. But rather than focus on the interpretations of historians, much of his exciting story is told in his own words. The second part of this 928-page book brings together the most important and insightful passages from Washington's writings, conveniently arranged by subject.

Published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies, a nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to restoring Constitutional principles in the tradition of America's Founding Fathers. The National Center for Constitutional Studies...is doing a fine public service in educating Americans about the principles of the Constitution. -- Ronald Reagan, President of the United States

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±1±: Best Buy This book was recommended by Glenn Beck on his radio program. I read lot of history and this is one of the better biographical type books around. It is easy to read and it is written like a story - being told in a large part by the man himself - George Washington. Much of it is in his own words (from quotes, speeches, etc). Would recommend it to anyone who wants to find out what he was really like and not what some writers (with an agenda?) opinion of him is. on Sale!

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